The ERSA 185 PZS plastics welding device can be used to cut, weld and seal thermoplastic foil, fabric and seal sections. In cutting plastic cords, the 185 PZ simultaneously welds the ends, to prevent untwisting. Complete with the welding plate 0182PZ004 and a holder 0A38 and a cleaning brush
Power rating (Watt): 200
Supply (Volt): 230
Preheating time (in seconds): 300
Coating: copper blank
Antistatic design: no
Πραξιτέλους 15-19
1. Πραξιτέλους 15-19, Αθήνα
Τηλ.: 210 3250412
Fax.: 210 3237296
2. Κουντουριώτου 15, Άνω Δάφνη (Μόνο αποθήκη)
Τηλ.: 210 9022512