ERSA 150 S
Standard Soldering Iron
The tried and proven soldering iron the ERSA 150 S is designed for soldering operations with a greater heat requirement, as, for example, on copper conductors with a cross-section of 6 mm². Other areas of application of th ERSA standard soldering iron include soldering thin sheet metal and lead glazing. The device is supplied with angled ERSADUR Long-life soldering tip (0152JD) and holder (0A04).
Power rating (Watt): 150
Supply (Volt): 230
Preheating time (in seconds): 180
Coating: long-life tip
Antistatic desig:no
Πραξιτέλους 15-19
1. Πραξιτέλους 15-19, Αθήνα
Τηλ.: 210 3250412
Fax.: 210 3237296
2. Κουντουριώτου 15, Άνω Δάφνη (Μόνο αποθήκη)
Τηλ.: 210 9022512