ERSA Minor S The Minor S (5 W) miniature soldering iron with ERSADUR tip is suitable for the finest-detailed soldering work on micro-circuits. The Minor can be operated with a 6 V transformer or a 6 V battery. Besides electronics, the Minor can also be used in watch repair, in the photographic industrie and in dental technology.
Power rating (Watt):5
Supply (Volt):6
Preheating time (in seconds):12
Coating:long-life tip
Antistatic design:no
Πραξιτέλους 15-19
1. Πραξιτέλους 15-19, Αθήνα
Τηλ.: 210 3250412
Fax.: 210 3237296
2. Κουντουριώτου 15, Άνω Δάφνη (Μόνο αποθήκη)
Τηλ.: 210 9022512